Volume 3 1926~1932

Doc No.

No. 301 NAI DT S5340/13

Extract from handwritten letter from Diarmuid O'Hegarty to William T. Cosgrave

London, 12 November 1929

Dear President,

Joe Walshe has shown me your letter of 11th inst.1

[matter omitted]

Matters are just coming to an issue here, and the wind-up may be precipitated by Mr Robb's2 death, which may result in Lapointe's recall.

We are sending you either tonight or tomorrow a resumé of the position here as it stands at present. There are things of vital importance still in a fluid position but it is possible to forecast now what is likely to be the nature of the final report. When this fluid position begins to congeal we shall probably be faced with urgent decisions on matters such as an agreement including the Crown to be given force of law, the question of a Commonwealth Court, and perhaps one or two other matters.

[matter omitted]

I hope to be back by the end of next week at latest.

Yours sincerely,
Diarmuid Ó hÉigeartaigh

1 Not located.

2 James Alexander Robb (1859-1929), Canadian Minister of Finance (1926-29).