Volume 2 1922~1926

Doc No.

No. 314 NAI DT S3452

T.M. Healy to Leopold Amery (London)
(No. 145)

DUBLIN, 9 May 1925


I have the honour to refer to Mr. Thomas's Despatch No. 342 of the 4th June last1 and to previous correspondence regarding the ratification of the Protocol embodying an Amendment of Article 393 of the Treaty of Versailles and the corresponding Articles of the other Treaties of Peace.

2. My Ministers note that it is admitted that the Irish Free State cannot be bound by an agreement except with the expressed sanction of the Irish Free State Government. They regret that in the present instance the ratification was deposited without their knowledge and advice, but in the special circumstances and on the understanding that their prior sanction will be sought in all such matters henceforth, they agree to notify the League that the Irish Free State is included in the list of States Members of the International Labour Office which have accepted the Protocol. Steps are being taken to inform the Secretary General accordingly.

3. In order to avoid any confusion in future, my Ministers consider that every instrument of ratification purporting to include more than one member of the Commonwealth should set out nominatim the members on whose behalf the ratification is made.

I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient, humble Servant,
(Sgd.) T.M. HEALY

1 Not printed.