Volume 2 1922~1926

Doc No.

No. 258 NAI DT S1801J

Extract from minutes of a meeting of the Executive Council (C.2/122)

Dublin, 1 August 19241


(a) Col. Office Despatch 'Secret' of the 31st ult. containing the text of a statement to be made by Mr. Thomas in the House of Commons on the 1st instant relative to the Report of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council made to His Majesty was read and noted.2

(b) The position arising out of the Report was further considered and it was agreed:-

(1) That if legislation is to be passed by the British Parliament it must be introduced and passed at once.

(2) That it will have to be followed immediately by similar legislation in the Oireachtas.

(3) That the President should leave for London that evening to discuss the matter with the British Government.

1The date of this document has been changed here from 2 to 1 August. The original reads'Friday, 2 August', but 2 August was a Saturday. The Council meeting took place between 11 am and 6.30 pm. Cosgrave was in attendance. On Saturday 2 August Cosgrave was in London at the Colonial Office at 10 am. Given paragraph (b)(3) of this document it is more likely the correct date is 1 August with Cosgrave travelling to London on the evening of 1 August to be there for 10 am on 2 August.

2Not printed.