Volume 10 1951~1957

Doc No.

No. 74 NAI DFA/5/346/96/1

Teleprinter message from Gerard Woods to Thomas J. Horan (Dublin)
(No. 5538) (Urgent)

London, 29 December 1951

I was informed this morning, off the record, by a friend in the Home Office that an Irish baby named [name redacted]1 was brought over here recently by an American serviceman and his wife. I believe they are trying to adopt the child and have been along already to the American embassy to get its name entered on their passport. The embassy, I understand, have refused to do this and my informant thinks an effort may now be made to get an Irish passport. We are black-listing the name here and taking precautions but I think the Dept. might also be on the watch in case an application should be made by the parents in Ireland. I don’t know their address. The child was born in Dublin on the [redacted] of this year. Perhaps by checking with the Custom House you might be able to get some idea of its address and from that some background to the case.

1 This document is reproduced from an already redacted version on file.