Volume 10 1951~1957

Doc No.

No. 2 NAI DFA/10/ P12/14/A1

Teleprinter message from Frederick H. Boland to Seán Nunan (Dublin)
(No. 2622)

London, 16 June 1951

I expect that the Minister is still pretty busy picking up the various threads but as soon as he has settled in I feel it would be useful if I came over and saw him. Some of the Ministers here including Gordon Walker1 and Frank Pakenham have asked me to go and see them and I know they want to talk about the change of government. I feel it would be better, however, if I had seen the Minister before I see them. There is no particular hurry and I will rely on you not to give me the signal before the Minister has settled in and has time to look about him.

1 Patrick Gordon Walker (1907-80), Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations (1950-51 and 1953-5).