Volume 10 1951~1957

Doc No.

No. 35 NAI DFA/5/305/14/135/1/Pt1

Telegram from Frank Aiken to John J. Hearne (Washington DC)
(No. 264)

Dublin, 15 August 1951

Please convey to Congressman Fogarty and to the other friends of Ireland in Congress who have sponsored or supported Anti-Partition resolutions my gratitude and that of the Irish Government on the successful passage through the House Foreign Affairs Committee of a resolution vindicating in clear terms the basic democratic principle that the form of a country’s Government is one to be decided by free vote of all the people of the country. The Foreign Affairs Committee in re-affirming this principle in the Irish case has rendered a signal service not only to Ireland but to the advocates of democratic rights and duties everywhere. We confidently trust that the Resolution will soon be adopted by the Congress of the United States. Such action by Congress must bring about the unification of our country and thus give a spectacular demonstration of the principles advocated by the democratic world.