Volume 10 1951~1957

Doc No.

No. 11 NAI TSCH/3/S14638/K

Extracts from the minutes of a meeting of the Foreign Trade Committee
'Liberalisation of Trade – Common List'

Dublin, 29 June 1951

Mr. Fay reported that he had made a submission to his Minister on this question but had not yet received a decision. He still considered that it would be in our interest to support OEEC by raising our reservation and retaining the right to veto any objection to our maintaining particular restrictions which were found to be in the national interest. The Swedes were following this course.

Mr. Murray1 said he had discussed the matter with his Minister and had given him a full picture of the background. He also awaited a direction. He, himself, considered that the only argument against maintaining our reservation was the desirability of preserving the status and prestige of OEEC which was one of the few international organisations dealing with economic matters in which we had a voice.

It was agreed that the delegation which would travel to Paris on 1st July should take the opportunity to have a discussion on this subject with Mons. Marjolin, Secretary-General of OEEC.2

1 Thomas Murray, Assistant Secretary, Department of Industry and Commerce.

2 Robert Marjolin (1911-86), Secretary General of the OEEC (1948-55).