Volume 10 1951~1957

Doc No.

No. 45 NAI DFA/6/437/9

Minute from Conor Cruise O'Brien to
Brian Durnin,1 Brian O'Kelly2 and Florence O'Riordan3 (all Dublin)

Dublin, 19 September 1951

The Minister has told me that he does not like to have to consider lengthy memoranda. He prefers a short memorandum supplemented, where necessary, by verbal discussion. It will be well to keep this in mind in any case where material is being prepared which will have to come before the Minister.

1 Brian Durnin (1912-80), Second Secretary, Information Section, Department of External Affairs (1949-54).

2 Brian O'Kelly (O'Ceallaigh) (born 1926), Third Secretary, Information Section, Department of External Affairs (1951-3).

3 Florence O'Riordan (1922-94), Third Secretary, Information Section, Department of External Affairs (1950-3).