Volume 10 1951~1957

Doc No.

No. 56 NAI DFA/5/345/96/I

Handwritten minute from Michael Rynne to Frank Aiken (Dublin)

Dublin, 5 November 1951

  1. Rev. Fr. Mangan,1 one of the Archbishop’s secretaries, told us on Saturday last that His Grace wants to know how many children have left Ireland for the USA for adoption during 1950-51.
  2. No reply has so far been given Fr. Mangan, who called to the Dept’s Passport Office to-day.
  3. Our figures are not complete for the year 1950 but only from 1st Nov 1950 to date. We are reasonably satisfied, however, that 10 children per month would be average.
  4. May we so inform the Archbishop or should we plead ‘Official Secrets’?2

1 Father Chris Mangan, Secretary to the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. John Charles McQuaid.

2 Marginal note: 'Note: The Minister agreed to give Fr. Mangan the figures (10 monthly) after I had cleared the matter with D. Justice. D. Justice (Berry) expressed no objection and so I arranged to have Miss Kenny phone information to Fr. Mangan at once. M.R. 5.11.57'.