Volume 1 1919~1922

Doc No.

No. 301 NAI DE 5/19

George McGrath (Accountant General) to George Gavan Duffy (Dublin)

Dublin, 13 July 1922

A Chara,
I enclose letter dated 6th inst which I received from your representative at Berlin; also vouchers enclosed therewith.

Of course, I cannot give any opinion on this as I am not in touch with the necessities. It might be as well if the cost of running the foreign embassies was brought before the Cabinet at the earliest opportunity, as the position seems to be very indefinite. It is impossible for me to check the accounts properly if there are no hard and fast rules.

Foreign representatives during the tenure of the previous Ministry evidently had free rein in the matter of Expenses, but I think the present Cabinet, if they were informed of the real position, would make it impossible for the continuance of this state of affairs.

Mise, le meas,