Volume 1 1919~1922

Doc No.

No. 260 NAI DFA Box 33 File 234

George Gavan Duffy to Charles Bewley (Berlin)

(Copy) (Registered and confidential)

Dublin, 31 March 1922

A Chara,
1. I have received your letter of the 26th instant, and have carefully considered it.1
2. I do not see any likelihood of being able to make the appointment you suggest, at least in the immediate future, and I think it is only fair to tell you so quite frankly.
3. At the same time, I should like you to know that I should welcome your entrance into the Diplomatic Service with the greatest pleasure.
4. We are not at present extending our appointments more than we can help, but under the new regime considerable developments will be necessary and I may say that personally I should like to see you in charge of our interests in a Catholic centre like Munich or Vienna. I cannot, however, bind the unborn Government and do not know what view its Minister of External Affairs may take, so that you must read this as an expression of personal opinion.
5. So far as I am concerned, I strongly hold the view, and have held it for a long time, that our foreign representatives should not be Deputies.
6. The question you raise of the relations between your work and that of the Envoy Extraordinary to Berlin is not being lost sight of and that matter will certainly be put upon a proper basis when the new regime comes into operation.

Le meas,
George Gavan Duffy

1 Not printed. But see No. 251.