Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 131 NAI DFA/6/408/191

Letter from Seán MacBride to Lord Rugby (Dublin)

Dublin, 10 September 1948

My dear Lord Rugby,
With reference to our conversation of Tuesday last concerning the proposed meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, I have now had an opportunity of discussing the matter with some of my colleagues.1

While, as you know, Ireland's position in relation to the Commonwealth is different from that of the other countries taking part in the proposed meeting, the Irish Government will be glad to participate in discussions of such matters as are of common concern to ourselves and the other Governments concerned. Ireland's position in relation to the Commonwealth, was as you are aware, the subject of statements made in the Dáil by the Taoiseach on the 28th July and the 5th August last and by myself on the 20th and 21st July last.

I hope to be able to let you know, at an early date, which member of the Government will represent Ireland.

Yours sincerely,
Seán MacBride

1 On Tuesday 7 September MacBride and Rugby discussed Ireland's attending the forth-coming meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers. MacBride promised Rugby that he would tell him after the next meeting of the Cabinet whether Ireland would attend.