Volume 5 1936~1939

Doc No.

No. 130 NAI DT S10389

Press communiqué following the conclusion of discussions on 19 January 1938

London, 19 January 1938


At meetings held at 10 o'clock this morning, at 12 noon and at 3.0 o'clock this afternoon between representatives of the Government of Éire and representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom further consideration was given to matters arising out of questions already discussed.

While no agreement has yet been reached upon any of these questions, which are closely connected with one another, it was felt that the discussions have proceeded far enough to justify a more detailed examination of a number of points by officials of the respective governments.

This examination will proceed forthwith and pending its completion the meetings of Ministers will be suspended, to be resumed as soon as the necessary data are available for further conversations.

[initialled] MOM 1

1 This press communiqué was initialled by Maurice Moynihan on 9 February 1938.