Volume 3 1926~1932

Doc No.

No. 485 NAI DFA EA 231/5

Letter from Joseph P. Walshe to Count Gerald O'Kelly de Gallagh (Paris)
(E.A. 231/5/420) (Copy)

Dublin, 21 November 1930

With reference to your minute No. 128/B/30 of the 17th instant1 I think that, if possible, you should avoid attending the British Legion Dinner. If, however, you feel that circumstances oblige you to go, and your letter indicates that circumstances, as you now see them, do so, there is no help for it. The presence of so many French Military and other authorities would, no doubt, make your presence less conspicuous and there would hardly be any publicity unless you had to make a speech. The latter eventuality would, of course, definitely decide the issue against your going.

[stamped] (Signed) J.P. Walshe

1 See No. 484.