Volume 2 1922~1926

Doc No.

No. 129 NAI DFA 417/105

Joseph P. Walshe to Michael MacWhite (Geneva)
(No. 234/23)

DUBLIN, 22 September 1923

A Chara,

The Minister having examined the matter of your letter1 with his Colleagues requires answers to the following questions urgently:

1. If the Treaty were presented in the ordinary way for registration, would it be accepted by the usual registering authorities, or would it be referred to the General Secretary for his decision? The Ministers desire the most exact and authoritative statement as to various possible lines of action on the part of the League Authorities following an attempt to register.

2. What are the implications attached to the date of registering with special reference to (1) above?

3. What form meets the League view of a 'certified copy' of the Treaty?

Le meas,
[copy letter unsigned]

1Above No. 122.